New Rendering of the UH Culinary Institute of the Pacific
The UH Culinary Institute of the Pacific is envisioned as an approximately 44,000-gross- square-foot culinary educational facility on the northern slope of the Diamond Head State Monument at the site of the former Fort Ruger Cannon Club. The new campus complex will be linked by a series of landscaped courtyards and will include two Culinary Lab buildings, a Competition/Demonstration Auditorium, a Classroom building, an Administration building, and a Signature Educational Restaurant.
The facility will feature four culinary instructional laboratories, three classrooms with distance-learning capability, a culinary demonstration area and support kitchen in the Auditorium, offices and meeting areas for administration and faculty, a student lounge, and associated support spaces. A fine-dining restaurant and cocktail lounge will offer panoramic views of Honolulu and the ocean. An outdoor imu pit and three garden theme plots will be provided for cultural instruction.
USGBC LEED Silver certification has been targeted as a project goal. The campus complex will prioritize northerly and southerly orientation for effective daylighting to optimize energy performance and to provide an enhanced learning environment for students and faculty. Renewable energy sources which take advantage of the sunny weather of the site are being considered in the form of photovoltaic roof panels and solar thermal collectors for hot water generation.